Club Development - New Member Emails
Launched from 1 July 2021, all new members will receive a series of email messages directly from Rotary International (RI) over the course of their first year of membership, to help introduce them to the broad menu of opportunities to get involved and derive value out of their membership – particularly beyond their own club.
This series of communications from RI is a complement to the processes and activities clubs and districts have in place to help engage new members.
This campaign is first launching to English-speaking new members, and will then be expanded to other Rotary languages later in the 2021-22 year.
Below is the schedule and content of the new member emails for clubs to align their internal practises.
CTA = Call To Action
1) Welcome to Rotary! (Day 1)
- Trigger message sent on the first day a candidate is added to the RI database as an active member;
- Content: Short video highlighting Rotary as People of Action;
- CTA: Create a My Rotary account and update your profile.
Link to New Member Email #1_Day 1
2) Hello New Member (Day 7)
- Trigger message sent one week after admit date;
- Content: Get more out of your membership;
- CTA: Review Rotary Basics reference guide or online course
Link to New Member Email #2_Day 7
3) Get more out of your membership (Day 30)
- Trigger message sent one month after admit date;
- Content: Reinforcing benefits of membership and explore how to get more out of membership;
- CTA: Interactive survey to assess customised engagement opportunities of interest
Link to New Member Email #3_Day 30
4) Make an impact, find connections with Rotary (Day 90)
- Trigger message sent three months after admit date;
- Content: Polio eradication, Rotary Action Groups and Rotary Fellowships, Rotary Annual Report;
- CTA: Read about ending polio, learn about Rotary Action Groups, and join a Rotary Fellowship
Link to New Member Email #4_Day 90
5) Welcome from the Rotary Foundation (Day 180)
- Trigger message sent six months after admit date;
- Content: The Rotary Foundation (TRF) video, Rotary Direct and donor recognition opportunities;
- CTA: Learn about TRF and ways to give
Link to New Member Email #5_Day 180
6) Welcome from the Rotary Foundation (Day 365)
- Trigger message sent one year after admit date;
- Content: Happy anniversary, thank you for joining Rotary;
- CTA: Refer a potential member
Link to New Member Email #6_Day 365