To provide D9910 Clubs with support in reaching Rotary International Goals to help reduce the worldwide problems in Literacy and Numeracy.
To support the development of Literacy Programmes throughout D9910.
The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary and Usborne Atlas Programme
Dictionary Past RI President Bill Boyd introduced this programme to provide every Year 4 student in a low decile school with a dictionary.
This dictionary is beautifully illustrated and children are encouraged to take them home to share with the family.
Cost: $9.50 each
Atlas A beautifully illustrated and internet-linked atlas also aimed at Junior Years.
This is suitable as a class resource, library resource as well as for individual study.
Cost: $7.50 each
“Rhyming around the Alphabet” (new) at $7.95 per book.
All books are available from Bronwyn Ellison at 094265519 or
Help for Prisoners
Clubs can assist literacy in prisons by providing books and magazines.
The dictionaries are also very popular and assist prisoners with letter writing to their families.
Books for Teen Parents Schools
More Teen Parents Schools are being established throughout the District.
The young mums are there to continue their studies for qualifications and their babies also attend in many cases.
Books suitable for mother and baby are always appreciated. One Club has donated 'Bags of Books' suitable for the family to share.
Books in Homes
This is an established partnership between The Alan Duff Charitable Foundation, Schools and participating Rotary Clubs.
Clubs donate around $1500 (depending on school size) during a three-year period along with the school's similar donation.
Corporates also provide sponsorship.
Children receive books throughout the year usually four times a year at a special Duffy Assembly also attended by a celebrity/role model who emphasises the importance of reading.
Contact your local school to become involved.
Environmental Education
This programme involves Ngataki and Te Hapua schools in the far north of the North Island placing emphasis on whanau and environmental sustainability, gardening, local history and place names.
The programme has some significant success with the identification and scientific naming of previously undiscovered seaweed species.
Support is provided by the Ministry of Education with Rotary involvement.
Vanuatu Literacy and Numeracy
The literacy committee has completed many successful projects in Vanuatu and is always looking for support in this area.
The Committee is also encouraging club support for students to the Vanuatu Little Stars Summer School
Vanuatu’s Little Stars Summer School (VLSSS) is a leadership camp for up to 150 Ni-Vanuatu students to gain key skills and attributes to become the future dynamic leaders of their developing nation. Our contact is:
Management Advisor James Ibell-Roberts
Tel: (+678) 5919056 / 7113011
Tel: (+678) 5919056 / 7113011
How Your Club Can Help
The provision of dictionaries, atlases and Rhyming ABC books is an ongoing need and these books are welcomed by pupils, schools and parents.
Clubs could team up with other Clubs for a combined project and assist with the dictionary and atlas programmes.
Has your Club considered a District Grant for Literacy Project?
Clubs can contact one of the following literacy committee members regarding the above programme information –
Name Email Club
Nadia Lehmann (Chair) Bay of Islands
Geoff Chamberlain North Harbour
Bronwyn Ellison Maungaturoto
Liz Henley Kaikohe
Maxine Neighbour Whangarei South
Murray Neighbour Whangarei South
Jerry Norman North Harbour
David Oliphant Henderson
Ex officio
Current District Governor
Committee members are available to visit clubs in person or via Zoom to discuss various literacy projects that you can become involved in.