Programme information and contact
This programme is designed to foster International understanding between young Australians and New Zealanders, by giving secondary school students the opportunity to experience family, academic and community life in Australasia.
To actively promote, encourage and monitor the selection of Year 10 students to exchange with Australia each year.
To participate in the Inter-District Conference where all applicants are "matched” with students of similar age and interests, and families with similar backgrounds and values.
To facilitate and monitor the counselling of Australian and New Zealand students by clubs.
To initiate a reunion of past and present Exchange students.
This exchange programme offers young people, aged between 14 to 16 years, an opportunity to live with a family in a country speaking the same language, to broaden their outlook and learn a different culture.
As a reciprocal programme with Rotary Clubs in Australia, students could be located in many parts of Australia.

Essentially a family to family exchange co-ordinated by Rotary Districts in both countries.

Each year the initiating country alternates during School terms 1 and 2, Arrivals in April-concluding at the end of September.
Ideally the student will be in Year 10 during the calendar year of the exchange but Years 11 and 12 may be considered with written permission from their school principal and if places are available.
The Rotary counsellors appointed for each student are required for a calendar year, not a Rotary year.
Under a Code of Practice introduced by the Ministry of Education, any household hosting students are required to consent to a police check. This applies to all persons over the age of 18 years of age.
Application Fee:
$250.00 (non refundable), to offset costs for training, promotions and postage

Rotary Sponsorship of outgoing student:
$300 - 500 for Uniform, Travel Bag, Name Badge, Business Cards and Accommodation costs for Northland Experience
Programme Cost to Parents:
Estimated $4500 which includes return air travel, domestic internal flights to destination, travel and medical insurance all arranged by District.
The District Committee provides training on rules and guidelines, the need to follow instructions, previews the highlights and provides safety nets for the unexpected. A comprehensive handbook has been prepared.
Sean Harris
Rotary East Coat Bays
Mob: +64 27 55 66661