Our stories over one hundred years of service in New Zealand and the Pacific. A look at where Rotary came from, how it developed and its future, captured in an easy-to-read and beautifully laid out book.

Deputy Prime Minister, Grant Robertson spoke to the assembled guests and congratulated
Rotary on its achievements to date and its courage in looking to the future. Steph Edlin (who ran for Wellington Council whilst at secondary school), represented our young people and mentioned how 'Mana Tangata' resonated with her, giving hope that what has been achieved in the past 100 years has laid the foundation for what will be achieved in the next 100 years of Rotary in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific.

Past Rotary Internationa President, Bill Boyd - a patron of the book project - officially launched the book and passed a copy to District 9940 Governor Gillian Jones who thanked all those involved and opened the accompanying exhibition which is located in the National Library foyer.
The book is available to buy at https://rotaryoceania.zone/page/historybook-orders and will soon be available in bookshops